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6 Caro automatizado sobre AGV-AMR


The combination of our customised tubular structures designed for Lean Manufacturing, together with semi-automation elements, is the most effective way as a strategy to improve efficiency during production processes.

Semi-automation allows production processes to be carried out faster, more accurately and automatically, while lean manufacturing helps to reduce costs and minimise waste.


Positioners for conveyor to put on/take off the box.

Piston-actuated Karakuri dynamic structure for manoeuvring empty and full crates, without operator control.

Empty case positioner to robot, manual conveyors, Pick to Light applications, RFID sensors or detectors for stock control and order efficiency.

Joint work with AGV and AMR in racking for loading and unloading, either automatically or by controlling stocks automatically.

Tables with product positioner, 360º rotation and lateral or turning movements by means of pneumatic or electric actuators.

1 posicionador automatico sobre conveyor