Virtual Tour
c/ Aire, 3
08227 Terrassa (Barcelona - EU)
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  • The perfect and economical solution for a new concept of Carton Flow Racking.
  • High load capacity, thanks to the Dinalager Roller Track.
  • A wide variety of options to cover all types of boxes to be slid.
  • NoBeam profiles are supplied to the size required by the customer, with a maximum total length of 2,700 mm (rack width).
  1. It is installed comfortably on the horizontal beams -front and rear- of the rack, previously moving one of them vertically with respect to the other, to find the necessary slope for the boxes to fall. We recommend a slope of between 3% and 5%.
  2. At the ends of the NoBeam, place the mini-rails comfortably and perfectly in parallel: first the loading part and then, by means of a small slit to the exit NoBeam part (lower), they will be introduced into their respective cavities.
  3. Finally, the accidental displacement of the Dinalager Roller Tracks is ensured by means of a safety cap.